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Menstrual, etc., humor at MUM. People have probably made jokes about menstruation since woman/mankind had a sense of humor.
26.01.2008 · ER Stories notes that most of the time, when women come in to the emergency department thinking they have a lost tampon stuck in their vagina, they’ve
Another Lost Tampon Story | Women's.
A few things about a friend’s favorite brand of tampons were making her feel anxious and irritable. Just hearing about this made me feel the same way.
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tampons stuck up her nose chick
tampons stuck up her nose chick
Categories | Break.com - Funny Videos,.
Menstrual humor at the Museum of.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an
Categories | Break.com - Funny Videos,. .